Bringing Up Great Kids


4 x 2 hour weekly sessions

Every Thursday, 10am-12pm

  • 8th February
  • 15th February
  • 22nd February
  • 29th February

*Please note payment must be paid in full to secure booking and ALL sessions must be attended

Every Wednesday, 5.30pm-7.30pm

  • 8th May
  • 15th May
  • 22nd May
  • 29th May

*Please note payment must be paid in full to secure booking and ALL sessions must be attended

Every Tuesday, 10am - 12pm 

  • 30th July 
  • 6th August 
  • 13th August
  • 20th August

*Please note payment must be paid in full to secure booking and ALL sessions must be attended

Every Thursday, 5:30pm -7:30pm

  • 28th November 
  • 5th December 
  • 12th December
  • 19th December 

*Please note payment must be paid in full to secure booking and ALL sessions must be attended

Online via ZOOM

Build positive relationships and interactions with your child.

About the Course
Promotes and supports respectful, caring, and nurturing relationships between you and your children. In a supportive group setting, you are encouraged to become more reflective and mindful in your parenting approach.

What will I learn?

  • explore and reflect upon the evolution of your parenting style
  • develop an increased understanding about the 'messages' you communicate to your child through behaviours, acts and attitudes
  • learn about child brain development and understand how to meet your child’s growing needs.
  • develop skills in identifying and managing the stressors associated with parenting

Who is it for?
Parents wishing to reflect on their current parenting style

To register for the group:

  • Call us on 4254 9395 to complete the intake process, or
  • Complete the Online Intake Form. Once submitted, our intake team will call as soon as possible.

If you are from a referral agency and wish to refer a client, please complete the online referral form here.

Concessions apply, dependent on financial circumstances.

Download the Flyer 

Please note this group is currently only delivered online, if you wish to attend the group face to face, please register your interest with our intake team on the number above. If we receive enough interest we may add a face to face group.