Saturday SIBS Club at the Helm!
Amid the weekend’s much welcomed mild weather conditions the brothers and sisters of kids with disability took some well-earned time out to go sailing on the foreshores of Lake Illawarra.
CatholicCare's Saturday SibsClub, Sailability NSW Illawarra Branch and the Illawarra's Miss World entrant, Jesy Pinkerton, teamed up in true community spirit on Saturday, 13 April to give siblings aged 5-12 years the unique opportunity to enjoy 'freedom on the water'.
Volunteers from both SibsClub and Sailability helped the children navigate our region's beautiful lakeside waters and learn the basics of yachting on several 2.3 meter sailing dinghies.
“To see the kids with a sea breeze in their face, salt spray in their hair and sporting a huge grin is what Sailability is all about,” Len Snowden, Sailability NSW Illawarra Branch President said.
“Our mission is to provide many people with the opportunity to experience ‘freedom on the water regardless of ability’ and it is great that we can partner with a group like Saturday
SibsClub to do that,” Len said.
Kath Walsh, CatholicCare’s Family & Sibling Support Program Coordinator agreed saying, “This is a fantastic way for siblings to escape their caring duties and spend some time relaxing and just being kids.”
“Disability has an impact on everyone in the family and often the brothers and sisters’ needs come second (understandably) to the caring and attention needed to look after a child with a disability.”
Through self-funded initiatives such as Saturday SibsClub, CatholicCare aims to provide these siblings (sibs) with recreational and social activities tailored just for them.
While many Sibs will say their relationship with their brother or sister is a positive one and that having a sibling with disability has taught them many things like compassion, tolerance and resilience; the day to day reality of disability can be quite difficult for them.
"Being a sib myself, I understand how enriched your life is when you have a brother or a sister with a disability," said Jesy Pinkerton. "I also know first hand how tough it can be, I want to help others through that."
"We are very lucky to have someone like Jesy volunteer with us as an Activity Buddy because she really understands what sibs go through," Kath said.
“Sibs can sometimes feel isolated and experience a range of negative emotions,” Kath said. “At Saturday SibsClub they learn they are not alone and that there are others out there who understand.”
The Family and Sibling Support (SIBS) Program is a unique and innovative way to further support families who have a child with a disability. For more information go to the SIBS page OR call 4227 1122.