Fun on the right track
With the wind in their hair, the sun on their faces and an unstoppable 'can-do' attitude Saturday SibsClubbers experienced the thrill of racing their mates at Southlake Illawarra BMX Club race track on Saturday 7 December.
"Many SibsClubbers have never ridden a BMX track before and it was exciting to see the children getting out on their bikes, pushing themselves and trying something new," Family & Sibling Support program coordinator Kath Walsh said.
"Some children were really out of their comfort zones when they pulled out of the gates but they worked really hard to get up and down the steep hills and were experts in no time."
"Life can be pretty serious when someone in your family has a disability and having the opportunity to 'just be a kid' and focus on having fun every now and then is very important for children who attend SibsClub."
The "Track Active Day" involved both volunteers from the BMX club and CatholicCare Activity Buddies teaming up to provide a safe yet adrenalin-filled atmosphere where having fun was the top priority for the day.
"We are always looking for unique and adventurous activities for our Saturday SibsClub and we are eternally grateful to Southlake Illawarra BMX Club for their support and generosity in hosting this day," Kath Walsh said.
"The people at Southlake Illawarra were so good to us. They put on a sausage sizzle and gave each child an ice block, lollies and a chocolate Santa, which was just lovely."
The Family and Sibling Support (SIBS) Program is a unique and innovative way to further support families who have a child with a disability. For more information go to the SIBS page OR call 4227 1122.