Aged & Disability Shape Up to Community Care Standards
Aged and Disability Services funded by the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) and Ageing, Disability and Homecare (ADHC) recently completed a quality review against the Community Care Common Standards (the Standards) which were introduced in March 2011 for all packaged care and Home and Community Care (HACC) funded services.
The services which underwent the review were Community Aged Care Packages and Disability Flexbile Options, including Your Time Counselling. Preparations began in 2011 and continued for the first half of 2012 with the the completion of a self-assessment tool, gap analysis, evidence collection and development of improvement plans for the services taking place mid year.
The formal report indicated our CACP and HACC funded services met 33 of 36 expected outcomes for the Standards. Many individual staff, managers at all levels, CatholicCare clients and the agency as a whole contributed to the largely successful result of this quality review.